Treivas Architecture Buro



Competition entry for the new building of the National Center for Contemporary Art in Khodynskoye Pole, Moscow.

1. Cultural Filter

The museum building is situated between a metro station and a shopping centre. Acting as a filter, it shifts through the public flow from the metro and parkland, directing it through an arrow-like ramp. The neighboring shopping centre is not a threat, but rather an advantage for the museum. The New NCCA becomes part of a mechanism, absorbing the flow of visitors traveling towards the shops. This unique symbiosis promotes a mutual economic benefit, and plays a culturalizing role.

2. Museum Hypermarket

Structurally, the New NCCA resembles a hypermarket, and employs the best features of this typology. The two lower levels house the parking and loading dock. The third level is dedicated to the collection centre. This monolithic, mute block is connected to the loading dock and contains storage, archives and artist studios. The floor is configured in a way that limits open access to storage facilities and arranges all service areas along the facade according to their lighting requirements. The fourth floor acts as the main entrance, and a central zone of the museum. An inner public square, from which visitors begin their journey. The top levels house temporary and permanent exhibitions. Spaces are divided by supporting walls, and can be reconfigured by temporary partitions, similar to the subdivision of retail spaces within a shopping centre. All public areas are linked by the walkway — a ramp which connects the metro, museum and shopping centre.

3. Gap-Plateau-Park

The museum building offers three levels of public space. The ground level, referred to as ‘park’, is a covered square intended for activities related to the city, such as markets, holiday events and public meetings. The middle floor, or ‘plateau’, levels with tree tops and is punctured by the walkway that connects the metro to the museum. The plateau is intended for events that involve the local community. Concerts, performances and festivals can take place here in the summer season. The third space is a ‘gap’, located within the body of the building. This space becomes more private, hosting exhibition openings, parties, public talks and lectures.

4. The Extravert Building

Constructions surrounding the museum appear aggressive, with the hypermarket and housing complex suppressing their surroundings. The New NCCA aims neither to hide or succumb to this environment. A combination of shimmering gold, concrete and black textures draw attention with an overtly exuberant elegance. The museum becomes a landmark that eclipses its neighboring giants.

5. The Introvert Building

A uniform, closed monolith, the new building conceals places of interest within. All public functions are represented at an inner square, which acts as an interface. Movement slows down here, and the visitor finds themselves at a crossroads. Shops, restaurants, exhibitions, workshops, the mall and metro are just a few of the directions available on this interior menu.

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