Treivas Architecture Buro

MYRA Program


A concept of creative cluster in Suzdal

Proposal album for MYRA creative community is our approach to collect and rethink all present information about it to help MYRA move forward. We have created a big patchwork blanket out of community’s property, art collection and activities, filling in the missing parts of this puzzle.

Research of every building of the future cluster includes two parts, one with architectural and curatorial concept and the other with terms of reference and specifications. This division makes the research easy to work with.

It is one of the projects we did as the architects as well as the curators. Activities and projects of creative community became our foundation to create the system of values and to describe MYRA’s guests and partners.

The research is aimed at defining the functions of the future cluster’s property. The program proposes the creation of art workshop, concert hall, gallery and even a museum.

All research parts are united in general plan with schemes demostrating their connections. We have also included several tourist walks to recreate cluster’s user experience.

Project’s ‘files’ are stored in an archive folder what represents a collective and applied character of this research. The result is aimed at marking the start of discussion inside the community as well as serving as an encyclopedia for commuity’s new members. An additional volume of the research dedicated to community’s loyalty program is hidden inside the folder’s cover.

Project authors